Northeastern Technical College

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Fall Minimester begins Sept. 22 ››

New, returning or current Northeastern Technical College students have another opportunity to earn college credit before spring semester with the upcoming Fall Minimester, which begins Sept. 22. ...

Tags: News College Students

NETC's New Hero ››

NETC now has a new kind of "hero" on campus. The Student Ambassadors program, which launched August 18, is helping to welcome new students to campus, and ensure that those needing assistance, such as directions to a classroom, know who to turn to for help. Shown are: (from front to back): Naraisa Hodge, Nich...

Tags: News College Students

NETC Announces Honor Lists for Summer Semester ››

The faculty and staff of NETC proudly honor students for their outstanding academic achievement during the 2014 summer semester. Students are named to the President’s List in recognition of a grade point average of 4.0. Students on the Dean’s List are recognized for earning a grade point average of 3.5....

Tags: News College

Put NETC in the palm of your hand ››

Northeastern Technical College is now "mobile" with the recent launch of a free mobile app, called NETC Mobile. Students, faculty, staff, and anyone interested in learning more about the college, will now have on-the-go access to college news, events and more, right in the palm of their hands....

Tags: News College Community

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