Northeastern Technical College

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Students Graduate from NETC’s NA Program ››

13 students recently graduated from Northeastern Technical College’s Nursing Assistant (NA) Program. The program consists of 80 hours of classroom instruction and 40 hours of supervised clinical training and is offered by the college’s division of continuing education. ...

Tags: Continuing Education Alumni College Educated Pathway to a Future Students

CSI: Northeastern Tech ››

As printed in The Cheraw Chronicle - November 20, 2014
By Randy Garner

The Dec. 9 enrollment deadline is fast approaching, and Northeastern Technical College has undergone some recent changes....

Tags: News Career College Educated New Programs

Leading by example: SGA ramps up community service ››

Printed in The Cheraw Chronicle - November 13, 2014
By Randy Garner

Student leaders at Northeastern Technical College students have been very active in the community lately.

Tags: Student Life College Community Students

Dillon’s first class of Nursing Assistants graduate ››

7 students recently graduated from Northeastern Technical College’s first Nursing Assistant (NA) Program in Dillon. The program, which will be the first of many scheduled in the area, consists of 80 hours of classroom instruction and 40 hours of supervised clinical training....

Tags: Continuing Education College Educated Pathway to a Future

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