Northeastern Technical College

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Free Success Skills class starts March 30 ››

Free classes designed to help individuals assess their career skills and explore relevant career pathways through education at Northeastern Technical College (NETC), will be offered March 30 to April 2 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the NETC Cheraw main campus in room 545. ...

Tags: Workshops College Prepared Students

New class of Nursing Assistants graduate ››

Seven students recently graduated from Northeastern Technical College’s evening Nursing Assistant (NA) Program. The program consists of 80 hours of classroom instruction and 40 hours of supervised clinical training and is offered by the college’s division of continuing education. ...

Tags: Continuing Education College Educated Pathway to a Future Start Your Pathway

NETC Minimester: Same college credit, less time ››

It’s that time of year, where students and faculty at Northeastern Technical College are starting to talk “mini.” But, this “mini” has nothing to do with a plan to get thin, and everything to do with getting the most out of your education. ...

Tags: News College Educated Pathway to a Future

FAFSA Day planned for college-bound students ››

Northeastern Technical College will hold FAFSA Day on Saturday, Feb. 21, to help individuals planning on going to college in the fall....

Tags: News College Prepared Start Your Pathway

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