Northeastern Technical College

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Technical Colleges Sign Letters of Intent with Clemson and USC ››

March 4, 2015 – Today, officials from the SC Technical College System, the University of South Carolina and Clemson University came together to sign letters of intent to offer coordinated admission—streamlining the transfer process for students graduating from in-state technical colleges....

Tags: News Alumni College New Programs Pathway

Nursing Assistant Students Graduate March 2 ››

Nine students recently graduated from Northeastern Technical College’s Nursing Assistant (NA) Program. The program consists of 80 hours of classroom instruction and 40 hours of supervised clinical training and is offered by the college’s division of continuing education.


Tags: Continuing Education Alumni Career College Educated Pathway to a Future Students

New apprenticeship program for medical assistants ››

Chesterfield General Hospital and Marlboro Park Hospital were recently recognized by Apprenticeship CarolinaTM and the US Department of Labor as a “registered” employer-sponsored job related educational apprenticeship program for their medical assistants. ...

Tags: Continuing Education College Community New Programs

NETC announces Educators of the Year ››

Three Northeastern Technical College employees were recently named as the college’s Educators of the Year and recognized at the annual South Carolina Technical Education Association (SCTEA) Conference held February 19 at Myrtle Beach. ...

Tags: Awards Career College Community

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