Northeastern Technical College

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Inclement Weather Policy Reminder ››

As a reminder, NETC campuses follow the hazardous weather delays/closings of the county where their office is located unless the System/College President authorizes evacuation/closure of a facility ...

Tags: College Newsletter College

NETC Presents: Removing Barriers to Correctional Education: Empowering Inmates Through Technical Education ››

Northeastern Technical College (NETC) proudly presented on the topic, “Removing Barriers to Correctional Education: Empowering Inmates Through Technical Education,” as part of the Office of Correctional Education Professional Learning Series....

Tags: College Newsletter Career College College Educated College Prepared

NETC Named Top 15 by University HQ ››

NETC is proud to announce its recognition as one of the Top 15 Associate Degree Colleges in South Carolina by University Headquarters (University HQ)...

Tags: College Newsletter College College Educated College Prepared

Employees Earn Leadership Certification ››

NETC is excited to announce that several of employees who are in current and/or future supervisory roles have earned the Associate Public Manager (APM) certification from the South Carolina Department of Administration....

Tags: College Newsletter College

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