Northeastern Technical College

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NETC offers culinary program in spring ››

Northeastern Technical College’s culinary program heats up in January offering insight into the business side of restaurants. ...

Tags: News Career College College Educated New Programs Pathway Pathway to a Future Start Your Pathway Students

NETC students use virtual reality to enhance welding performance ››

Northeastern Technical College’s welding program utilizes a VTREX 360 welding simulator for beginners as well as a tool to help correct students' technique with pinpoint accuracy. ...

Tags: News Career College College Educated New Programs Pathway Pathway to a Future Start Your Pathway Students

Future: Stat ››

Danielle Rogers is entering her second career. The 46-year-old Dillon native retired from State Law Enforcement Division and is embarking on a new direction in the medical field....

Tags: News Career College College Educated Pathway Start Your Pathway Students

NETC alumni and veteran James Williams Jr advocates lifelong learning ››

Williams has three associate’s degrees (science, history, and information systems management), two bachelor’s degrees (interdisciplinary studies and religious studies), and at the age of 64, Williams continues his education ...

Tags: News Career College Community Pathway Pathway to a Future Start Your Pathway Students

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