Northeastern Technical College

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27 Students Graduated from the NETC Nursing Program ››

Northeastern Technical College (NETC) held a drive-in Nursing Pinning Ceremony for its Nursing Graduates on Thursday, May 29. Twenty-Seven students graduated with their Associate Degree in Nursing and received their pins....

Tags: Nursing Alumni Career College College Educated College Prepared Community Pathway Pathway to a Future Start Your Pathway Students

NETC Announces Graduation Plans ››

Northeastern Technical College (NETC) will hold a 2020 drive-in graduation ceremony on Thursday, June 11. Graduates in the Allied Health program will attend a ceremony at 5:00 pm. Graduates from the Workforce & Transfer programs will attend the 2nd ceremony at 7:30 pm. ...

Tags: Awards Career College College Educated College Prepared Community Pathway Pathway to a Future Start Your Pathway Students

NETC Honor Lists for 2020 Spring Semester ››

Northeastern Technical College (NETC) proudly honors the following students for their outstanding academic achievement during the 2020 spring semester. NETC names students to the President's List in recognition of a grade point average of 4.0. The college recognizes students on the Dean's List for earning a gra...

Tags: Awards College College Educated College Prepared Community Pathway Pathway to a Future Start Your Pathway Students

Spencer Earns Certificate in Digital Marketing ››

David Spencer, Public Relations Specialist at Northeastern Technical College (NETC), completed a Certificate in Digital Marketing through Clemson University's Center for Corporate Learning....

Tags: Continuing Education Career College College Educated College Prepared Pathway Pathway to a Future Start Your Pathway

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