Northeastern Technical College

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CareSouth, NETC to Develop Two New Health Care Training Programs ››

CareSouth Carolina is partnering with Northeastern Technical College to develop two new training programs to grow a skilled workforce for the health care community....

Tags: Programs New Programs Pathway to a Future

Dillon Middle School Students Tour NETC Campus in Cheraw ››

Dillon Middle School eighth-grade students visited the Cheraw campus of Northeastern Technical College to learn about the educational and career training opportunities offered by the college....

Tags: Careers Career Start Your Pathway Students

NETC Was Springboard for Police Chief’s Career ››

Bennettsville Police Chief Larry McNeil knows the value of an education. It has helped him move up through the ranks during his nearly 25-year career in law enforcement and handle the operations of a department of 34 officers with a $2 million budget....

Tags: Careers Career Pathway to a Future

NETC, Industries Develop Training Class in Pageland for Machine Operation ››

NETC will soon be offering classes in basic machine operations at the Pageland campus, preparing students for employment in high skill, high wage manufacturing jobs....

Tags: Programs Career Start Your Pathway

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