Northeastern Technical College

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NETC Recognizes Achievements, Contributions during Annual Honors Program ››

Northeastern Technical College recognized high achieving students and an outstanding contributor to technical education during the Honors Program ceremony on April 25....

Tags: Awards College Students

NETC Plans Special Events for May 18 ››

Northeastern Technical College will welcome Congressman Tom Rice to campus on May 18 for the college's 2013 Commencement Exercises and the alumni festivities following graduation....

Tags: News Alumni College Students

Application Deadline for Summer Term is May 1 ››

New or returning students planning to attend Northeastern Technical College this summer should submit admission applications by Wednesday, May 1....

Tags: News Start Your Pathway Students

Two NETC Students Named to State Academic Team ››

Christine Blackburn and Timothy Townsend were among 25 students named to the Phi Theta Kappa South Carolina All-State Academic Team....

Tags: Awards Students

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