Northeastern Technical College

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Students Graduate from Nursing Assistant Program ››

Nine students recently graduated from Northeastern Technical College's Nursing Assistant (NA) Program. Upon completion of the course, graduates acquire the academic and practical skills necessary to successfully complete the Nursing Assistant Certification Exam. ...

Tags: Career Pathway to a Future

NETC Graduates 23 From Associate Degree of Nursing Program ››

Northeastern Technical College graduated its fifth class from the Associate Degree in Nursing program on Friday, May 10, in Cheraw....

Tags: Pathway to a Future Students

25 Gain Valuable Craft Skills By Completing Continuing Education Course ››

Twenty-five people earned industry-recognized credentials that will help them get better, higher paying jobs after completing a two-week course at Northeastern Technical College in Pageland....

Tags: Continuing Education Community Pathway to a Future

Educational Leaders Encourage Commitment to Education ››

The University of South Carolina partnered with Chesterfield County School District and Northeastern Technical College to hold a public forum about the power of education....

Tags: News College Community Pathway to a Future

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