School Code: 007602
If you would like to transfer to NETC, make sure you add NETC's school code (007602) to your FAFSA form. If you completed your FAFSA form online:
If you filed your FAFSA form by paper/mail, and you received a Student Aid Report, locate the DRN number in the bottom left-hand corner of the first page. Call 1-800-4FEDAID or 1-800-433-3243 and have NETC's school code added to your FAFSA.
Note: NETC's Financial Assistance Office cannot accept your award letter from another institution. Certain types of financial aid awarded may not transfer to another institution. FAFSA-on-the-Web confirmations/printouts are not acceptable.
Any NETC student wanting to take classes at another college while enrolled at NETC will not receive financial assistance for the course(s) taken at the host college. A student cannot receive financial aid from two institutions during the same semester.
If you would like to be a transient student at NETC, you must contact your home institution (the college that will issue your degree, diploma or certificate) to determine your eligibility for financial assistance. NETC does not award financial aid to transient students. The college only awards financial aid to people enrolled as regular students in an eligible program at NETC.
If you are eligible for financial aid from your home institution, you should check with your school to make sure payment will be made to NETC. You should also check with NETC's Cashier's Office by calling (843) 921-6947 to make sure they have the necessary paperwork from your school to cover fees. If the needed paperwork is not on file, NETC may require that you pay your fees before attending classes.
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